I was walking in „Dreamland” today, in such kind of wedding where every moment tells a story about the happiness. At the discussion which were taken some days ago, I got a task, I can take picture of everything which are so interesting for me and for my fantasy, plus I can take composed pictures. I got freedom of action, and this freedom helps me and thanks to everybody’s loveliness, that I could catch such a honest-to-god and deep moments. The French guests were in every bit French and the Hungarians were bouncing, wonderful people, too. The event happened in a beautiful ambience, in Buda Castle, and I was a participant from the beginning.
When the newly married couple and some closer friends of them got dressed and got ready for shooting, first we started to make the composed pictures. It means, that we took some outlandish pathes, and we were passed through ambit to castlewall and Wiener gate and we had a rest some interesting places. Yesterday, I was looking out for places here, so I had no problems with settings thanks to gorgeous theatrical talents of Zsófi and Pierre.
The composed pictures followed by the marriage, then another ceremony in French in a tea-garden, where afterwards held the dinner. A rich ceremony with full joy and funny old stories, easy coctails, a fine occasion to take some subject pictures and there were planty of it.
When I saw the ballroom, I got the wind up, how can I manage using flash here, because there weren’t any possibilities for it. But, fortunately Alex the photographer and sister of fiancé offered me to use her Nikon D3 camera with 50 and 1.4 objective. From that time, I can’t think anythings else, amazing technics, quality and depth in ISO 2000, from hand, in the dark, woooow!!!
A vacsora és az egész este levezénylése svájci óra pontossággal zajlott.Minden apró részletre odafigyeltek a szervezők és a család.Ami a legjobban tetszett ,hogy minden asztalon volt egy eldobható kamera:-)Volt is mit vele megörökíteni,mert egy érzelmekkel teli,hangulatos este volt.
The dinner and the whole evening were organized with Swiss clockwork precision. The family and the organizers harked to every little details. And what I liked mostly, that on every table laid a throw-away camera J. There were a lot of things what they can recorded, because this evening was splendid and with full of emotions.

Zsófi, Pierre I was witness of the happiest day of your life and I saw,
that this love is perpetual. Thanks for your kind invitation and it was a great privilige to me your confidence.

Köszönet a fordításért Vedres Áginak
Szia Zoli!
VálaszTörlésEgyedi látásmódú, nagyon személyes és érzelemgazdag fotók. Itt a monitor mögött is pontosan ki lehetett belőlük érezni, amit írtál. Tapintható az is, hogy milyen jól együttlélegeztél az eseményekkel. Remek sorozat (ez is)
jó lett a válogatás. örülök a zárókép választásnak, amúgy szíves translate. au revoir/abientot